Inherits from SCPropertyDefinition : NSObject
Declared in SCPropertyDefinition.h


This class functions as a property definition for SCDataDefinition that will generate a custom user inteface element (e.g.: custom cell).

‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ does not have to represent a property that actually exists in its class (unlike an SCPropertyDefiniton), and is often used in a structure definition as a placeholder for custom user interface element generation.


Creation and Initialization

  • + definitionWithName:uiElementClass:objectBindings:

    Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate.

  • + definitionWithName:uiElementClass:objectBindingsString:

    Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementClass The class of the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

  • + definitionWithName:uiElementNibName:objectBindings:

    Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and the name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element to generate.

  • + definitionWithName:uiElementNibName:objectBindingsString:

    Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and the name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementNibName The name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

  • – initWithName:uiElementClass:objectBindings:

    Returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate.

  • – initWithName:uiElementClass:objectBindingsString:

    Returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementClass The class of the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

  • – initWithName:uiElementNibName:objectBindings:

    Returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and the name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element to generate.

  • – initWithName:uiElementNibName:objectBindingsString:

    Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementNibName The name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

Class Methods


Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate.

+ (id)definitionWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementClass:(Class)elementClass objectBindings:(NSDictionary *)bindings



The name of the property.


The class of the custom user interface element that will be generated.


This dictionary specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. Each dictionary key should be the tag string value of one of the uiElement’s custom controls, and the value should be the name of the class definition’s property that is bound to that control.


Warning: IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In



Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementClass The class of the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

+ (id)definitionWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementClass:(Class)elementClass objectBindingsString:(NSString *)bindingsString


  • Example bindings string: NSString *bindingsString = @“1:firstName;2:lastName”;
  • @warning IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In



Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and the name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element to generate.

+ (id)definitionWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementNibName:(NSString *)elementNibName objectBindings:(NSDictionary *)bindings



The name of the property.


The name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element that will be generated.


This dictionary specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. Each dictionary key should be the tag string value of one of the uiElement’s custom controls, and the value should be the name of the class definition’s property that is bound to that control.


Warning: IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In



Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and the name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementNibName The name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

+ (id)definitionWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementNibName:(NSString *)elementNibName objectBindingsString:(NSString *)bindingsString


  • Example bindings string: NSString *bindingsString = @“1:firstName;2:lastName”;
  • @warning IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate.

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementClass:(Class)elementClass objectBindings:(NSDictionary *)bindings



The name of the property.


The class of the custom user interface element that will be generated.


This dictionary specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. Each dictionary key should be the tag string value of one of the uiElement’s custom controls, and the value should be the name of the class definition’s property that is bound to that control.


Warning: IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In



Returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementClass The class of the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementClass:(Class)elementClass objectBindingsString:(NSString *)bindingsString


  • Example bindings string: NSString *bindingsString = @“1:firstName;2:lastName”;
  • @warning IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In



Returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and the name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element to generate.

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementNibName:(NSString *)elementNibName objectBindings:(NSDictionary *)bindings



The name of the property.


The name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element that will be generated.


This dictionary specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the class definition’s properties. Each dictionary key should be the tag string value of one of the uiElement’s custom controls, and the value should be the name of the class definition’s property that is bound to that control.


Warning: IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In



Allocates and returns an initialized ‘SCCustomPropertyDefinition’ given a property name and a class of the custom user interface element to generate. * * @param propertyName The name of the property. * @param elementNibName The name of the nib file containing the custom user interface element that will be generated. * @param bindingsString This string specifies how each of the uiElement’s custom controls binds itself to the data definition’s properties. The string should consist of a colon separated pair of control’s tag and the property name, while each pair should be separated by a semi-colon.

- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)propertyName uiElementNibName:(NSString *)elementNibName objectBindingsString:(NSString *)bindingsString


  • Example bindings string: NSString *bindingsString = @“1:firstName;2:lastName”;
  • @warning IMPORTANT: All control tags must be greater than zero.

Declared In
