Inherits from SCViewController : UIViewController
Declared in SCSearchViewController.h


This class functions as a means to simplify creating view controllers dedicated to searching data within a table view.

In addition to all the features provided by its SCViewController superclass, SCSeachViewController conveniently provides a UISearchBar control and a UITableView control aligned under each other. In addition, SCSearchViewController defaults to automatically displaying a UISearchDisplayController when a search is performed.

Note: Both the UISearchBar and UITableView controls can still be created in Interface Builder and assigned to their respective outlets. In case no outlets are assigned, SCSearchViewController will automatically create the missing control(s).



  •   searchBar

    The search bar control associated with the view controller. Unless assigned in Interface Builder, this property will automatically create a UISearch when accessed.




The search bar control associated with the view controller. Unless assigned in Interface Builder, this property will automatically create a UISearch when accessed.

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UISearchBar *searchBar

Declared In
