
I wanted to thank you for for all the help you gave me during the development of ThinkBook. ThinkBook is currently #7 in the iPad Paid Productivity applications chart.

Emiliano Molina

This code is a great time saver!

Jeff Walstrom

Thank you very much for this, it works perfectly. I don't actually believe it myself, but I have in just a few hours completely prototyped an entire application. Brilliant!

Graham Barker

Just letting you know that today all 5 apps I created using your Sensible TableView have been approved and are currently in the app store.

Romeo Giovani
Romeo Giovani

This truly is the best iOS framework I've ever seen. It's so flexible and makes developing iPhone apps super simple!

Brendan Duddridge
Brendan Duddridge

I just now created a version of my Dreams app, in less than 15 minutes. This is amazing stuff. You’ll probably get bought by Apple..

David DelMonte

...your tools are amazing. My app just got about 20 files less, thanks for your great work.

Shani Hajbi

Great product, learning lots from it, and saving lots of dev time.

Brian Simmons

Honestly this is the best support for any payment I have made in my life.

Oguz Kocer

I am incredibly impressed with your company so far. You seem to have a true caring for your customers and that makes such a difference in building loyalty (and a better, happier world). And STV seems to be elegantly designed and very reasonably priced, with lots of attention to the little details.

David Mandell
David Mandell

I'm kind of doing a version 2.0 of an app that I submitted to the App Store in the very beginning. Honestly, STV saved me, without exaggeration, 7-10 days. I know this, because I did all of this stuff manually for version 1.0.

Ralf Rottman

Being a new customer I was amazed by the extra ordinary motivation and the effort you guys put into Sensible TableView and its excellent support. It's simply great fun working with you!

Sebastian Ludwig

Fantastic! Thank you for this great toolkit and the awesome support of it!

Frank Sauer
Frank Sauer

Every couple of years I find a product that I consider to be of REAL value - what you created is going to be top on my list in this category for a LONG time to come!

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Karl S.

First, let me say what a fantastic product you have made. I have been trying to figure out the best way of approaching editable table views and when I found STV today it was a life-saver. After watching your introductory videos I immediately bought STV and spent the rest of the day exploring all the features and functions. I think that this is going to reduce quite a bit of the work I need to complete on my app, potentially reducing some of the coding from several weeks to around an hour :)

Matthew Purcell
Matthew Purcell

BTW, amazing library you've got here. As a noob that's facing a large project your solution brought a smile to my face today. Thank you.


The object model is fantastically written and the support is even better. Excellent and thank you - I was already recommending STV to friends now...

It's the ability to balance [Sensible TableView]'s auto-magic features with the ability to dip in and easily tweak it to perfection in our own projects that makes it such a great tool...

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Geoffrey Alexander

I just purchased STV and so far, I must say I am amazed at how easy it is... Watched the videos, and within about 10-15 minutes I had a basic app running that would have taken me hours to do without STV.

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Troy Pamatat

Your support is awesome!!! Best i have ever had

Johnston Trav

I want to say that I love Sensible TableView - Apple should have done it this way from the beginning!

Mere words cannot express how awesome your product is.

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Douglass Franklin

I believe its almost de-rigeur, and most certainly deserved, to begin with complements on the groundbreaking nature of STV.

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James Eddison

Awesome work - where else but STV could you create a fully working iOS Core Data App with searchBar and scopeBar functionality in only 5 mins - including coffee!

Carl Grainger

Sensible TableView should be integrated to iOS and made available to all developers. It just rocks.

Alpaslan Firat
Alpaslan Firat

#iOS #development - putting Sensible TableView to work and liking what I see - was able to go to the pub for a beer an hour early yesterday!

Mike Stokes
Mike Stokes

If you're an iPhone developer and aren't using @sensiblecocoa's Sensible TableView yet, go and get it now. Seriously. Now. You'll thank me.

Nathan Gaskin
Nathan Gaskin

My mind was just blown by [Sensible Cocoa]’s ingenious table view extension: http://www.sensiblecocoa.com/ just watch [the] Demo, and you’ll agree.

Oliver Drobnik
Oliver Drobnik

I did use sensible table this morning and in about 10 minutes had one of our webservices for the app working like a charm... Sensible Table is unbelievably intuitive and should have been used throughout the app--I really can't believe how easy it is.

Todd Garland
Todd Garland

I must say that I've gone from a vague idea for the app last Wednesday to a basic fully functional app complete with Core Data persistence in less than a week, a week when I've been rather busy with other stuff. Idea to basic app in maybe 16 hours programming total. Without STV that would have probably have taken me a month or more full time!

Dave Guerin

I have a full working app; all through IB without a line of code entered on my part thanks to STV.

Santosh Bungay
Santosh Bungay

Wow. Very impressive... I am working through a test project right now... The setup is effortless and flawless, and the Xcode integration looks and feels native -- like something Apple would have shipped.

Donovan Dillon
Donovan Dillon

After watching the video I feel like a kid at Christmas. Being able to auto generate then customize the detail views for edit and new modes is simply incredible. The visual nature of the storyboard really brings clarity to the application flow and is going to cut down on a lot of customization code that's much easier to represent in IB.

Everett Michaud
Everett Michaud

App 99% complete in less than 3 days, because of your easy to code product!!!

John  Lein
John Lein

My compliments were never more deserved than this for your product. I have hit the market since 2010, counting 53,000 downloads by now and I have never met such a great framework like yours. This should just be embedded in Apple's next iOS SDK!

Fabio  Ricci
Fabio Ricci

Have a testimonial? We would be ecstatic to hear from you!


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